Pizza Dough Recipe
How To Make The Best Pizza Dough
Prep Time - Average 3.5 hours
There are many Pizza Dough recipes available and this is our own to share with you and one of our favourite Pizza Doughs to make. This dough works well cold fermented or as a same day dough. Nothing will compare to making your own fresh pizza dough and it is also a lot of fun! Give Chef Trent's recipe a crack and let us know how you go.
And if you need any low & slow, general advice or guidance, or simply help finding a product just for you, chat with us today, online or instore. We're passionate about all things BBQ. We encourage you to give this recipe a whirl and let us know how you get on.

- 650g 00 Flour
- 423g Warm water 44c/112f
- 25g Dried yeast
- 20g Salt
- 25g Olive oil
- 10g Brown sugar
Step 1.
Combine yeast and warm water 43c/112f, add a couple of pinches of caster sugar mix well with a whisk for 1 minute and set aside to activate which should normally take around 10mins or until bubbly.
Step 2.
Combine the salt to flour and mix together.
Step 3.
Create a well in the flour and add the olive oil, cover the oil with flour and mix this together by hand using a scrunching motion which will make lots of little balls. Then add brown sugar and mix together.

Step 4.
Once the yeast has activated add the flour to a mixing bowl and use a dough hook attachment – if you don’t have a mixer then you can mix the dough by hand with some elbow grease.

Step 5.
Start the mixer at a slower speed until well combined and then increase to medium, mix for around 8-10mins until it has formed well.

Step 6.
Remove from the mixing bowl and form 1 large ball.

Step 7.
Lightly oil a bowl big enough so that the dough can double in size, add the dough and lightly spray/brush with olive oil, cover with cling film and leave this to do its first proof for 3 hours, by then it should be doubled in size.

Step 8.
Remove the dough onto a floured cutting board and divide dough into desired weights. 10 inch pizza – 250g - 12 inch pizza – 300g - 14 inch pizza – 350g-380g - 16 inch pizza – 450g-500g – (Freeze balls at this point if you would like to use at a later date)

Step 9.
Form dough into neatly shaped dough balls and place in a tray or proofing tub leaving enough space between them for the balls to double in size, lightly oil and cover with clingfilm.

Step 10.
Put them into the fridge to cold ferment for 24 hours, you can also cold ferment for up to 3 days – this process will increase the depth of flavour into your dough. This dough can also be used as a same day dough.
Step 11.
Bring the dough out of the fridge a few hours and allow it to come up to room temperature before cooking.